
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

At Lakewood Baptist Church, we have a deep passion for missions, both domestically and internationally. We believe in the Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations, sharing the love and message of Jesus Christ. Our mission efforts extend beyond the walls of our church, as we actively engage in various initiatives to bring hope, compassion, and the transforming power of the Gospel to communities near and far. 
Local outreach
Wyoming 2025
Ecuador 2025
Lakewood partners with the Valley Rescue Mission to feed the homeless in the Chattahoochee Valley on the last Saturday of each month (with the exception of November & December). The local missions team meets in the FAC at 11 AM ET and takes a bus to the service area. Service concludes at 2 PM ET. Volunteers should bring lunch money to eat after service. All are welcome to serve!
Supplies needed for hygiene kits:
Shaving cream
Wind River Reservation, Wyoming
June 21st- June 27th, 2025
Guayaquil, Ecuador
June 28th- July 4th, 2025

Operation Christmas Child

Our church serves as a local collection hub for Operation Christmas Child.
Each year, our children's ministry collects items and donations to pack shoe boxes. Our children packed over 700 shoeboxes last year!

National Collection Week 2025- dates TBA

Please contact Debbie Parks for more information. (706) 905-5663

Feed a Child in Belize

Members may donate to iServants through online giving or by placing cash in the jug at the front of the sanctuary each Sunday. All proceeds go directly to iServants, and $12.50 feeds one child for an entire month. 

Preparing to Enter the Mission Field

The first and most crucial step for a successful mission trip is to prepare your heart through prayer. Share your prayer requests with the church so we can collectively support and lift up each volunteer in prayer.
The church recommends members request a passport at least six months before an international mission trip. Domestic missions often require air travel and a “REAL or STAR ID” that can be serviced within 2-4 weeks. 
Financial preparation is essential for mission trips. Domestic missions generally cost $1,000 or less per person. International missions can cost up to $3,000 per person. Travel fees are typically due 3-4 months before a trip. Financial assistance is available. Contact the church office for details.